Thursday, September 13, 2007

It has been an emotional day. I am attending our "re-connect" with other volunteers and members of our community--my formal counterpart couldn´t attend, so another one of the women came with me. I think it was a really good experience for her, as she got to learn more about Peace Corps and designing projects and grants, etc. We worked well together in all the small group exercises, etc. and we sold a lot of artesania to other volunteers and their counterparts. She even was brave enough to get up on stage in traditional Waorani dress to sing a traditional song at our "talent show" last night. She was a big hit (my macramé owl---which I showed as my "talent"--- however wasn´t as popular. But then again, most of the volunteers were born in the 80´s...and missed the macramé craze and just don´t appreciate real art when they see it. : )
Anyway, the counterparts left today and the volunteers continued on with our training on HIV-aids prevention initiatives and tech training. Well, Jer got a call from his counterpart later and we learned that all the artesania that hadn´t been sold AND all the money from the sales were stolen en route back to Quito. We don´t know the details of how it all went down, but it just sucks on so many levels. I was pretty devastated and it totally ruined my day. Fighting back tears, I announced to the other volunteers what happened. People were p-o´d. So a couple of volunteers rallied and took up a collection to help replace the money that was stolen. I am really touched by the volunteers generosity especially because it came on the heels of a group discussion of how many volunteers feel that they don´t have enough money to get by. So, despite the fact that many people didn´t have the money to give, they gave willingly and generously. It really made me proud to be part of this group in the Peace Corps.

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