We're back in the U.S. of A. My brother got hitched without any major hitches...and we are now living it up at the farm. My mom is cooking up a farm fresh omelette with CHEDDAR CHEESE!!!! Very exciting! Getting ready for my presentation at my alma mater tomorrow...then headed to the big city to hang with the pals. P.S. We're meeting at the Taj on Wednesday at 5:30...then heading to Dick's around 7. I traveled thousands of miles to get back to the states, so be there or be square, my friends!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Tres días más
Three short days until we touch down in C-bus!!! Can´t wait to reunir con mis amigos en Victorian´s Midnight Café el jueves!!!! And don´t forget Dick´s Den Wednesday September 26th! Woohoo!!! How´s that for some Spanglish...
Publicado por
5:58 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
So...it still hasn´t hit me that we will be home in less than a week. Yikes! Jer and I slept in (we didn´t get back to Puyo until 1:30 a.m....but we did get to ride the "luxury" bus with recliner-like seats) We mosied into town to pick up a few more "x-mas" presents for the fam. We have already filled a suitcase with loot to bring back...which will be cool, cuz then we can fill the bag up with stuff we want to bring back to Ecuador with us (like about a half dozen cordless drills---because ALL the waorani women want them to drill holes in seeds for their jewelry).
I had grand plans of working on my World Wise Schools presentation for my alma mater, Elida High, today...but after playing in a basketball game with the Waorani women, I am totally wiped out. Everything hurts. Luckily I didn´t have any major injuries this time, but I did take the ball in the nose. I thought for a second I broke it or might have another black eye (to match my brother´s at the wedding), but no blood came out and it doesn´t seem to be swollen...just sore. No harm, no foul (because, well, they just don´t call fouls in this league)...
Publicado por
5:14 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It has been three days in one today. Last night we stayed in the city of Ibarra to check out a music festival (sort of) after visiting our host family in La Esperanza and then we went to Otavalo to do some Christmas shopping for the fam. I figure that we will give our family all their X-mas presents to them when we are home next week (oh my gaaaawd!!!! The wedding is in one week!!!!) The market was pretty cool. We got there early and avoided the insane crowds. We bought lots of cool stuff (I am sure I would have bought more if I had the time and dinero), then we headed to Quito to try to catch some college football games on t.v.... Unfortunately the only games on were the freaking Florida and Michigan games (UGH!!!)... and those were both blowouts on the badguys behalf... Interestingly, we ran into some Huskies who were also looking for the OSU-Washington game on t.v. There was some good natured ribbing going on... and some of us were talking smack. But the two couples ended up being really cool...especially since they picked up our tab---our tab being the many beers and bar grub of 8 hungry and thirsty Peace Corps Volunteers. As they walked out, they thanked us for our service and told us they picked up our tab. It was sooo awesome. So, here's a public shout out to our new Washington friends.
And here's an even bigger shoutout to my childhood friend/lil sis, Beth and her new son, Anthony who was born TODAY. Can't wait to meet you next week, lil' Anthony!!!
Publicado por
6:59 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
It has been an emotional day. I am attending our "re-connect" with other volunteers and members of our community--my formal counterpart couldn´t attend, so another one of the women came with me. I think it was a really good experience for her, as she got to learn more about Peace Corps and designing projects and grants, etc. We worked well together in all the small group exercises, etc. and we sold a lot of artesania to other volunteers and their counterparts. She even was brave enough to get up on stage in traditional Waorani dress to sing a traditional song at our "talent show" last night. She was a big hit (my macramé owl---which I showed as my "talent"--- however wasn´t as popular. But then again, most of the volunteers were born in the 80´s...and missed the macramé craze and just don´t appreciate real art when they see it. : )
Anyway, the counterparts left today and the volunteers continued on with our training on HIV-aids prevention initiatives and tech training. Well, Jer got a call from his counterpart later and we learned that all the artesania that hadn´t been sold AND all the money from the sales were stolen en route back to Quito. We don´t know the details of how it all went down, but it just sucks on so many levels. I was pretty devastated and it totally ruined my day. Fighting back tears, I announced to the other volunteers what happened. People were p-o´d. So a couple of volunteers rallied and took up a collection to help replace the money that was stolen. I am really touched by the volunteers generosity especially because it came on the heels of a group discussion of how many volunteers feel that they don´t have enough money to get by. So, despite the fact that many people didn´t have the money to give, they gave willingly and generously. It really made me proud to be part of this group in the Peace Corps.
Publicado por
6:53 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Birthing the búho
Well, my macramé owl is complete. And I can´t believe I am saying this...but he is actually kind of cute. I cracked everyone up when I told the other women that it took me three days to give birth to the búho (owl). I think the normal completion time is something like 3 hours instead of 3 days...but whatever. I´ll try to upload a photo this weekend so everyone can admire the new addition to our family.
Speaking of new additions, we just learned of another set of friends who are expecting. Ironically, I learned of this news via another blog about 5 minutes before they told us (I will refrain from naming them, lest I spoil their announcement for anyone else). : )
So, what´s in the water up there anyhow? We are now up to 10 (TEN) friends and-or family who are expecting...or who have already given birth since we left Ohio in February!!! WOW! Here´s a big shout-out to all the new moms and moms-to-be. You go, gals!
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1:39 PM
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
a hoot
I suck at making macramé owls. Why would I even want to make a macramé owl, you ask? (one at the cabin is enough, right?) Well, the idea is for the Waorani women to learn some new weaving and knotting designs but use materials from their natural environment including chambira (the natural palm string used by the Waorani) and seeds. Macramé is "in" down here. I must have missed that fashion newsflash. I see women all over the place carrying macramé handbags and the one little craft store is doing a booming business of macramé sandals. Who knew? Anyway, the Waorani Women´s Association hired a local instructor to give us macramé (and crochet) classes. The idea is that the local instructor will teach the Woarani women leaders, and then those women will be able to teach other women in the remote communities adentro. I like the concept. And there are some really cute designs for woven macramé belts. But I admit that the other craft ideas shown in the catalogue (that somehow survived the 70´s it seems) are, well...just not my style. So, while some of the women are learning how to make purses, belts and mirror holders, I got stuck making an owl. And, according to my teacher, my owl is sick. Actually it is just deformed. We´ll see if the owl lives to see another day...
In other mundane news of my life today, I found shoes for my brother´s wedding! Yippy skippy! I spent my entire 2 hour lunch break searching for shoes. After many incredulous looks from sales clerks when I asked for a size 40 (that is a size 9 U.S.) I finally found some that I like, are the right color, and (almost) fit--- they are actually size an 8.5, but I squeezed my big foot into them. Not too many women have big feet down here as I was told numerous times... Yes, I realize this. It usually corresponds to a person´s height...and you will note that I am a full head taller than most people here... Anywho, Dress: check! Shoes: check! In just TWO WEEKS from this very moment we should be back in C-bus on our way to the CHHF (formerly known as Gruver) band extravaganza.
Publicado por
5:58 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hello blog fans. NO, I did not get lost in the rainforest...I have just been insanely busy and have not touched a computer in over a week. Quite nice in some ways. I wish I had an extra 8 hours in the day to chronicle my many adventures of the past two weeks. I don´t have time to type now (especially since this keyboard is sticky)...but suffice it to say that this last 10 days have been an adventure. I met "the" Peace Corps director, I was 10 feet from Ecuador´s President, I stayed in the most awesome and luxurious lodge I´ve ever been in my life I think (compliments of our very kind and generous friends Matt & Heather), only to be followed up with a crazy busride with live chickens and then sleeping on a wooden schoolhouse floor with 20 other people in a remote Waorani village... It was quite a contrast. Someday I will chronicle it all...
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7:02 PM