Thursday, March 20, 2008

going postal

A lot of things didn´t quite go my way this week. I am frustrated about a lot of things, but rather than enumerate them all, I will just rant about one thing in particular: my absentee ballot. You see, I just got it. And, well, last time I checked the primary was March 4th. And just happen to be registered in the most-watched and most-cursed center-of-the-political universe state of... Ohio.

So...I am mad. I am mad at the board of elections for not sending it directly to Puyo as I thought I had requested. I am mad at Peace Corps for not expediting the envelope that was clearly marked urgent election material from Quito to Puyo. And I mad at myself for not trying harder to make sure that all the t´s were crossed to make sure that this all happened so that I could get the &%$·" ballot. I am so mad I can´t even write any more.

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