Thursday, August 2, 2007

So, about an hour after I read about the bridge collapsing in Minnesota, I find myself on a crazy scary bridge outside of Puyo. My friend Noemi asked me to come check out her family´s farm. It was a beautiful drive through the countryside outside of Puyo. We got to a little town (if you could call it that) where there was a suspension bridge over the Pastaza River. I started to get out, thinking, this is where we need to get out...right? It looked like a pedestrian and horse bridge...but then I find out that that it is in fact a vehicle bridge. It was just wide enough such that the rearview mirrors didn´t scrape the wires that separated us from a decent fall into the river. Obviously we made it over and back without incident, but it wa scary nonetheless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.