Saturday, June 9, 2007

What I love about Ecuador

I found myself being a little negative in trying to stay positive, I decided to compile a list of some things I love (or at least find endearing) about Ecuador:

  • Realistically shaped mannequins. No stick straight mannequins where they pin the shirt in the back to make it look like they had 2 ribs removed here. J-Lo booty is all the rage for the mannequin manufacturers. Finally, I feel (almost) in-style.
  • Living a low carbon life. We walk everywhere. My 22 minute walk into town each morning helps clear my head. The 22 minute walk home helps me decompress from the day. It is a refreshing change to paying loads of dough for gas and getting stuck in gridlock on 670. And theoretically the walking counteracts some of the eating I do (see below)
  • 2 hour lunches. At first I found them annoying. “What the hell am I going to do for the 2 hours while I am locked out of the office?” I have since found plenty to do, and incredibly they sometimes don´t feel like they are long enough. I love lunch (see below).
  • Fresh avocados. Jer took me seriously when I said we should have guacamole every day. We average about 5 batches of guacamole per week lately.
  • Fresh bread. On our walk to and from town we pass right by El Rey (The King, appropriately enough) bakery where we can buy fresh-baked croissants, whole-wheat rolls and other deeeeelicious breads…for 8 cents each. Totally fresh and totally yummy.
  • Chef Boy (ardee) and the Easy Bake oven. My hubby is totally going all out in using our toaster oven. Last night: homemade buscuits and carrot cake. Earlier in the week he made PB & chocolate chip cookie bars. His cooking exploits are not limited to baking... Some of his latest creations include homemade tortillas, refried beans (made from the dried beans, not from a can) super healthy veggie soups, (less healthy, but yummy) omelettes, banana pancakes...

    ......anyone see a pattern here?...............

(Ok Kelly, I think this explains where my extra kilos are coming from...but how do I gain and Jer continues to lose??? Not fair!) Well, better keep walking...


Rick Wilson said...

Yeah!...I fugured out my login.

Well. The Indians lost to the Reds last night 4-3. A rookie named Homer Bailey won his first start.

Arts Festival is going on downtown, and my neighbor conveniently just showed up to go canoeing. Will write morte later I promise.



chris thomas said...

Sue, just testing the login stuff, strangely enough, I'll see you before you get a chance to read this, so sarah and I are ready to everything to make this trip home enjoyable.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

I am so sorry about your Auntie, I hope you have a safe trip home. -Dorota