Tuesday, October 21, 2008


One of my recent activities has been helping the Waorani Women's Association create a webpage. We have funds to hire a professional designer (porque no sé nada de esto) and so I am just sort of shepherding the process (getting text and photos ready, etc.) I just googled "artesanía Waorani" to see what, if anything, was already out there and came across this site. Last year I had submitted a brief written report and some of my photos to Save America's Forests, who helped finance one of our workshops...but never realized they posted it on their website!


Fernando said...

its nice from you to help, but I have no idea what is "Waorani Women's Association"? I can see that is something about womens but what is waorani??

Susana said...

Waorani is an indigenous group in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It is also spelled Huaorani by some people, mostly academics and linguists.