Monday, September 8, 2008

A big day

Today, Monday September 8th 2008 will be a day in infamy. Okay, not really. But it is a big day for me. Today was the first day I was able to use that crazy newfangled concept called the "internet" from my computer at the Waorani Women's Association!!! As a bonus, I ALSO now have the ability to print documents, too! Que emocionante. Seriously, it is a big deal. For the past 17 months I have operated in my own little closed circuit system. Truly my own world. If I wanted to print anything (which I often do...crazy I know) I used to have to close all my documents, save the document to a flash drive, go to another office to boot someone off their computer, insert flash, print...blah, blah, blah. I realize this sounds kind of whiney, but it got really annoying really fast. I was always interrupting other people and causing problems. You see, my flash drive is pretty sleazy. It has been hooking up with dozens of internet cafe computers around town...and well because it didn't use protection, it now has viruses and worms (or ETD's as I call them). Well NOW I have "broad band" banda ancha (or "mancha ancha" as my counterpart calls it in her broken spanish....which translates to broad stain). It is fast for Ecuador, fo' sho.' Oooooohhhh I am so giddy with glee. I have internet access and printing ability!!!! Yippy skippy! This may even mean more frequent blog updates...or it may mean proivide major distraction and time suck (uh, hello, facebook?!?!?!). Only time will tell. And well, it will be at least a week until we know...because tomorrow I leave on a loooooooong trip adentro to the community of Quehueri'uno (home of Moi, of Savages fame) for a workshop with my women's group. Will be going on a looooooong bus ride then getting in a motorized canoe; will staying in a tent, bathing in the river. And no, definitely no internet access or printing ability there.


Anonymous said...

Es fantastico que usted tenga la red. Es ridiculo que usted espere un tiempo largo. Es malo que usted interrumpa todos. Conviene que usted compre un nuevo pen drive. Es increible que usted viaje mucho. Es agradable hablar con usted.

Anonymous said...

Yo deseo que nos visite. Es bueno que guarde sus documentos en el pen drive. No pienso que ciber cafés sean buenos. Yo quiero que esté comica en su blog. Yo sugiero que escriba más blogs.

Anonymous said...

Yo alegre que usted tenga la red. Yo recomiende que usted consiga un nuevo pen drive. Es fantástico que usted consigue para viajar tanto. Esperanza completamente que el viaje largo estará sobre rápido. Espero que usted se divierta.

Anonymous said...

um, are the other folks here practicing el subjuntivo??

Anonymous said...

Estoy feliz que finalmente reciban red. Tambien, me allegro que sean capaz imprimir papeles en vez de vayan a ptra oficina. Siento mal que su el pen drive hagan viruses. Es pro que usan una motorizada canoa. Lemanto que hayan vivido en su propio mundo por la última 17 meses.

Anonymous said...

Estoy feliz que finalmente reciban red. Tambien, me allegro que sean capaz imprimir papeles en vez de vayan a ptra oficina. Siento mal que su el pen drive hagan viruses. Es pro que usan una motorizada canoa. Lemanto que hayan vivido en su propio mundo por la última 17 meses.

Anonymous said...

¡Me alegra que alguien haya notatdo que estamos practicando el subjuntivo! Hey! That's subjunctive, too! ¡JA! ¡JA!